Thursday, 15 August 2013

Kitchen Wall Removal

Im not sure who would think it was a good idea to paint their kitchen bright green, especially coming from such a dark hallway. 

The units were plain white, inoffensive enough, but the layout wasn't great. There was minimal work surface, and some of the cupboards smelt damp. 

One of the first things we wanted to do when we moved in was take down the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. Because the dining room is in the far corner of the house, the only door in to it is through the kitchen. This made it feel very claustrophobic and much smaller than it actually was. 

We enlisted the help of a family member, who is a builder, and spent the weekend taking down the wall and removing the larder cupboard.
As you can see from the photo, the woodchip much have been up quite a while to go through so many paint colours and different kitchen cupboards. 

Its a good job we had help with the wall removal, as having never attempted anything like this before, neither of us knew about the giant concrete lintel above the door. 

Once the wall came down and the electrics were exposed, we found a rawl plug straight through the electric cable. It is where the wall unit was attached to the wall. Its a miracle the person who put the wall cabinet up didn't kill themselves. 

The radiator which was in the dining room was removed, and will be relocated to under the window. The walls and floor were tidied up and made good, ready for us to decorate. 

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