Saturday 20 July 2013

We have a lodger

My cat has come to stay. 

This is Murphy, my 16 year old long haired ginger tom. Up until a few months ago, when he had a nasty accident, he was very much an outdoor cat for most of the year. He would cry when left in, preferring to spend his days climbing the fence, only coming home for food.  

He didn't move in for the first few weeks as we wanted to get some of the messier building work out of the way first. He is quite old, and we were worried about so much disruption, but he seems to have settled in nicely. 

Keeping him inside in this weather for three weeks isn't easy, but we're suffering along with him by having to keep all of the downstairs windows closed. Being on house arrest following his accident definitely helped with the move, as he had already got used to the lazy life of an indoor cat. 

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