Thursday, 1 August 2013

Entrance table

The half moon table was 99p on eBay. It fits perfectly in the space, and means that the junk left by the front door has been confined to what fits in the one key bowl, and one letter holder. 

The Lucky Black Cat Table Lamp was purchased in Dunelm Mill for £12.99. 

The heart shaped 'Vintage Collection Stone Heart Dish' on the table is also from Dunelm Mill, £5.99. Neil is a nightmare with his keys. He is forever putting them down and forgetting where they are. He could have them in his hand and still spend 10 minutes looking for them, so having a central place to keep them was one of the first things I insisted on. This bowl is the perfect size to dump his keys in and save me getting mad! 

Also on the table we have a little white trug with cut out heart detail on the ends, which we're using for holding letters as they come in, before they get filed or shredded. We're both quite messy people, so this contains the junk to one pile. £15 from Marks and Spencers. 

The final piece on the entrance table is the original watercolour of our wedding invites by Neil Slorance.

The mirror in the hall is a Bevelled Block Frame Mirror from Dunelm Mill, which is on their website at £49.99 but was £24.99 in store. 

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