Saturday, 29 June 2013

Estate Agent photos

With the excitement of getting the keys, and with our enthusiasm to start stripping wallpaper ASAP, we didn't manager to take many photos before we moved in. 

This post should probably start with a warning, that the estate agent photos are in no way a good representation of the house. 

We probably looked at 15 houses before we found this one, and nearly all had photos that were taken using a wide angle lens, with the photographer stood in the doorway to get the maximum amount of the room in the shot. Not this place. This one, the 'photographer' seems to be stood in the middle of each room, snapping away on their iPhone with HDR switched on. Although the photos don't show the true size, they do show the true colours. The house really is 50 shades of green. 

Living room

Beautiful green textured wallpaper, a running machine in the middle of the floor, a sofa with extra seat cushions and dining chairs balanced on top. Not to mention an armchair on its side in the corner and a chair to sit and watch the person on the running machine. 

Through the door you can see the dark red in the hallway. 


More green, this time as bright as it comes and woodchip wallpaper. The white kitchen cabinets are inoffensive enough, but that is pretty much all of the worktop there is. The worktop on the left, above the washing machine had disappeared by the time we moved in. 

Dining room

More textured wallpaper, but at least its not bright green, just a very pale shade. The curtain is hiding a nice patch of mould on the wall. 

Bedroom 1

More green walls. This room has polystyrene tiles on the ceiling and a curtain held up by string.  

Bedroom 2

More curtains held up by string, but the walls arent green! 

Bedroom 3

The final bedroom, a pale shade of green, which goes beautifully with the bright red carpet. 

No pictures of the bathroom or toilet, but thats green too. 

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