Friday, 19 July 2013

Living Room - From Green to Grey

We remembered to take a couple of photos before we started work on the living room. 

When we viewed the house I took note of the awful fire, but somehow Neil missed it. Its so old it must almost be time for it to be back in fashion. 


I don't think it is clear in this photo, but the wallpaper is a lovely palm tree textured design, probably as old as the fire. 


Textured wallpaper, covered in several layers of paint, is not easy to remove! 

The radiator came off, to decorate behind, and what we found was 30 years of cigarette tar. Bleugh. The previous owner was a heavy smoker, and the back of the radiator and brackets were brown from years of smoking. 

I couldnt bring myself to put the brown radiator back on the wall. As there were two radiators in the room we decided to remove both and replace with one double. 

For a house 60+ years old the walls were in surprisingly good condition. 

The first layer of paint! 


The picture on the wall is a photo I took of the Hong Kong skyline, printed on to a 50 inch canvas. Slightly bigger than I would normally go for, but I think it works well. 

The walls are painted Dulux Polished Pebble 'A pale, wispy grey with versatility, a new alternative to creams.'


  1. What a difference, such a gorgeous room now!

    1. Thanks Faerie. We still need to sort the flooring, new skirting boards, new lights and remove the awful wallpaper on the ceiling, but then that should be us done in this room.
