Thursday, 11 July 2013


When we moved in the hallway was painted a dark red, with dark red carpet and lovely splashes of gloss along the edges. There was also a horrid, lingering smell. I was desperate to rip the carpet up to help get rid of the odour, but Neil insisted we use it as a dust sheet, to we filled the house with plug in air fresheners to try to mask it. 

I didnt get many shots of the hall before we got rid of the red but it was a really dark space. The red went as far as the top of the stairs, then it turned to light green. The walls are covered in a horrible vinyl wallpaper with seams that don't really match. 


The light coloured wall there on the side is another shade of green. 


Desperate to get rid of the red as soon as we could, so that the stinky carpet could come up, we decided to leave the awful vinyl paper on the walls and just give it a coat of paint to brighten it up. 


Several coats later, the hallway is vastly improved. I still hate the wallpaper, but painted a light colour makes such a difference that I will be able to live with it for a few more months. 

The walls are painted Crown Antique Cream matt. 


  1. Wow, what a difference already! And I LOVE the prints you have on your stairs!

  2. Thank you! We both love a bit of internet geekery.
